Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Nocturnal Baby Log, Stardate: -313148.85

Our little fam
Originally uploaded by alexthoth
Baby Sophie is officially one week old and she had her first away mission around the block.

We seem to have worked out a system to control the baby at night with Marge and I taking turns and allowing us each to get small amounts of sleep. We don't know if this will work tomorrow night as we've had such systems before only to fail the following night... the baby is like the Borg. She constantly adapts to our defenses.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Finally got to meet Sophie!

Originally uploaded by alexthoth
Born: Feb. 16th (Fat Tuesday) at 4:30 p.m.
Weight: 7 lbs. 8 oz.
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Sign: Aquarius/Tiger

Name meaning:
Sophie: Wisdom
Aden: Little flame
Hernandez: Bold voyager

She has Marge's hair and eyes and my complexion and mouth (supposedly) and a baby button nose which will only last her til her teens if her genes have anything to say about it.

Right now, Marge and I are beat, but we're getting ready to bring her home.

Monday, February 15, 2010

This is it...

Alex & Mai
Originally uploaded by alexthoth
We're approaching the home stretch! Any day now Sophie will be born. I thought I'd be more nervous, but really at this point, I just want her to come out so we can meet her. She's due Thursday (the 18th), but I don't think Marge is going to last that long before popping.

Next post will hopefully include a pic of Sophie.