Thursday, December 4, 2008

Spanish Inquisition Left Genetic Legacy in Iberia

After reading this article in New Scientist I was amazed that I've yet to find any Jewish ancestry in my family tree. For those of you just tuning in, my family, Hernandez Morales, is of Spanish descent. We've all had our DNA tested by the National Geographic Genographic Project just for fun and I will say our findings do concur with the findings in the article. We pretty much split evenly between European and North African DNA with Y Haplogroups I1 (Germanic) and E3b (Berber) and Mt Haplogroups U4 (Celtic) and U6 (Berber) as the norms. Again, it's very odd that I've yet to find any Sephardic Jew in my genes...


korshi said...

haplogroups just trace the matrilineal or patrilineal lines, right? so you might be part jewish from a man in your matrilineal line, or a woman in your patrilineal one, or some other random combination. or do i have this wrong?

Anonymous said...

I can see you as a Jew, you already have the nose...hehe...yes i made a funny!

Alex Hernandez said...

Korshi- you're totally correct, which is why I keep saying "yet". What surprised me is that I did find a lot of variety as it is even with the narrow parameters traced by the haplogroups, but it didn't go the extra mile.

May- Ha ha.