1. Travel! In the past 10 years I've been to England, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Mexico, and Belize and New York (twice)!
2. Marge! We met on our trip to England, which is probably the best thing that's happened to me this decade...
3. Moved out! Getting out of my parents' house was pretty defining. Although it was tough at times (trying to make rent with very little money) it did allow me to grow up and become a tad more responsible.
4. Marge and I got our own place! Not that rooming with Louis wasn't fun, but getting our own place is more satisfying.
5. Marriage! After 5 years of dating I proposed and a year later we were married. Has been great since.
6. Librarian! After flopping around for a few years after getting my bachelors. I finally stumbled into my ideal career, so I got a Masters in Library and Information Science.
7. Got a new car! All my previous cars were clunkers held together with gum and string and would overheat the second I left Hialeah.... My library job allowed me to get a 2009 Toyota Matrix.
8. Pregnant! Found out Marge was pregnant, which was great and scary all at once.
9. It's a girl! The second our Schrödinger's Fetus became a girl the prospect of fatherhood became more real.
10. Alan got married! Who would've thought? Really happy for him though so it's going on my list.