Monday, February 23, 2009

Crandon "Jurassic" Park

Tree over water
Originally uploaded by alexthoth
Went to Crandon Park for the first time in my life and really liked it. There's an abandoned zoo with all sorts of feral birds and reptiles running around (and since birds are nothing but feathered dinosaurs... That's where the Jurassic comes in!) We walked around the old zoo for a while, snapped a few pictures , then went to the beach where we encountered more birds. It was a pretty cool afternoon.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Canoeing with Marge en la Manigua

Back seat driver (actually she steers.)
Originally uploaded by alexthoth
Marge and I went canoeing the other day in Everglades National Park. If you click on the link you can see more pics of gators and herons and shit.

Traveling through this freaking thick ass manigua and bumping into snakes, crocodiles, and gators at every turn... I kept wondering how the Native Americans that lived here (the Tequesta, Calusa, then the Seminoles) managed to actually live here! Still, it was very cool and very beautiful.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Atoll at Sunset

Atoll at Sunset
Originally uploaded by alexthoth
Spent Valentine's Day at Mathenson Hammock Park with the wife. We had a picnic, waded in the sea, hiked through a mangrove forest, and took pictures. It was a nice romantic day and given these tough economic times it's was also pleasantly cheap.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spanish Inquisition

First rough look at Spanish Inquisition, a comic strip about a geeky Cuban-American kid dealing with overly religious parents. By Frank Ruiz, Chris Turner, and myself. The strips will be loosely based (and by that I mean exaggerated) on my own and Frank's childhood.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fallen Tree

Fallen Tree
Originally uploaded by alexthoth
Tree Top Park... This tree fell and kept on growing, if that isn't insperational, I don't know what is.

I still can't get used to the idea that there's such cool places near where I live. Here's a link to more pics of Tree Top Park.